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Secrist Guidance Chart: Paint Mixing ~ Raspberry

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This is our very popular "Painting with Genesis Heat Set Paints" DVD paint mix chart . This paint chart shows you what to mix for each color used in the DVD.  Learn how to mix and use your own raspberry complexion paint.  Printed on 8.5" X 11" gloss paper.

Doll makers have been using photo-type technique charts for decades now. The reason for that is that a picture is worth 1,000 words. It's one thing to explain where to paint the veins but another to actually be able to see them.

Mixing paints has always been a bit scary for doll makers but wouldn't it be nice if you could see a paint palette with all the right colors to use and what they should look like when they are mixed? With a photo-type technique sheet they can. Now you can see it all clearly as it was taught in class.

The Technique Charts are photos versus standard printed documents, this form of printing helps to ensure the most accurate color and sharpest detail of the photos.  However, this form of production can sometimes cause the text to be slightly fuzzy, though still extremely readable. 

Notice: Due to copyright protection all DVDs, Special Technique Tutorials and all technique guides are non-returnable.  These products may not be returned for a refund.  Defective products may be exchanged only (no refunds or credits) for exactly the same title returned.  

The Technique Charts are photos versus standard printed documents, this form of printing helps to ensure the most accurate color and sharpest detail of the photos.  However, this form of production can sometimes cause the text to be slightly fuzzy, though still extremely readable.


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