Heat Tool for Genesis Paint
What do you do if your doll is already rooted and eyelashed but you need to touch up the paint? That's where the Genesis Drying Gun comes in handy. You can focus the Genesis Drying Gun just where you want it to go without over baking the areas around it Tip: Press the white trigger button once for HOT, twice for WARM. You will likely use the gun on the hottest setting for setting GHSP. Hold the nozzle no closer than 3 inches from the surface, and keep it moving as you dry the paint. It typically takes about a minute to dry a 2 inch area, but you will have to experiment with your technique. Test the dried paint with a damp swab to make sure no paint rubs off. If it does, re-heat and test again. The Genesis Drying Gun is 110 volts so check for voltage compatibility if using the Drying Gun outside North America.